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Future Entrepreneur Summit (FESt) is entrepreneurial seminar several entrepreneurs and practitioners will present and share their entrepreneurial experiences with participants about how they dare to start, which then they can collaborate on their courage to enter the world of entrepreneurship and explain how they can develop their creative ideas so that they can innovate in their business. This Future Entrepreneur Summit is present as a forum for Sharing Trend Entrepreneurs who will continue to develop following the development of technology with the current Millennial Generation, of course, will be attended by resource persons from academic circles and practitioners in their respective fields who will share with seminar participants, of course We also need support from various parties so that this activity can run well.

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Future Entrepreneur Summit 2023 Ditunggu-tunggu dihadiri Millenial Kreatif yang digelar di Bandung

Tanggal 7 Juli 2023 menjadi hari yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh para calon pengusaha kreatif di Indonesia. Future Entrepreneur Summit 2023 yang dihadiri ol...

Mahasiswa Universitas Jember Ajak Berwirausaha melalui Acara Future Entrepreneur Summit

Jember Menjadi Lokasi diadakanya Acara Future Entreprneur Summit, Antusias Anak Muda Jember sangat luar biasa dan tentu Acara ini memberikan dampak da...

Lewat Gelaran FESt, Crazy Rich Surabaya Delta Hesti Ajak Anak Muda Kembangkan Skill Berbisnis

Kedatangan Delta Hesti disambut meriah oleh sebanyak 1.800 mahasiswa yang sedang mengikuti talkshow yang digelar oleh Future Entrepreneur Summit 2023,...